Sunday, September 1, 2019

We're still here!!

Does the lack of a blog post for well over two years count as "sporadic" blogging?  Having read many marketing tips, I know that in order to keep followers interested I should be blogging on a regular basis.  Perhaps once a week.  Maybe twice.  For sure, more than once every two years or so.  At this point, with more than two years since my last post, I may have lost all of my followers!  

Well, I'm still here.  And so are the mice!  And I hope at least a few followers are here, too.  After painting 75 baseboard mice, I took a long break.  But I found I was missing my little creations. And there was that stack of mouse holes in my studio, patiently waiting for mice.  So I picked up my brushes and now there are 80 baseboard mice!  And only 5 without homes.  (thank you so very much to all of you who have "adopted" a baseboard mouse!)

One of the new mice is called Violet.  She's quite pretty.  And she loves gardens.  Fairy gardens are her favorite.  They make her feel bigger.  And purple is her favorite color, of course!  


If you think you just might like to give Violet a good home, you'll find her over on the baseboard mouse website.  Here's a link....

Thanks for stopping by!!  And I hope to see you again much sooner than more than two years from now.
